Hey! Look that's me at the summit of Mission Peak near Fremont CA. I got the opportunity to make this run when a customer pushed out a meeting to the next day which extended a business trip. I ran from the Ohlone College trail head and I'm guessing it was around a 6 mile run based on the time it took me to summit and get back to the car.
I saw a few hikers and three deer on a hillside. The climb is runnable however in my current condition I ended up power hiking up at least one

I was on the lookout for other trail running animals that frequent this trail but Catra was not spotted during my run. I did run into Hartmut Fokken who works at Ohlone College in the IT department. He was hiking at lunch as is not able to run any long trail distances at the present time due to a hip injury. Coincidentally two years ago when I visited the trail head over at Stanford Blvd. I ran into Hartmut as he came in from a run. He's got a thick European accent and really enjoys trail running. His picture is at the bottom of these photos.
Looks like some soggy running for us folks in the Pacific NW this weekend. Hope everyone has a great weekend of running and whatever!

Good that you happened to have your running gear along with you. I don't suppose you often leave home without it eh?
Looks like Hartmut could have used a moisture-wicking shirt. :)
Nice, that is exactly why I bring my gear with me on all trips too. Never know when you will get a chance to slip in a sweet run.
Oooh, pretty. Man, Iowa is lame.
Certainly beats being stuck in a business meeting
What a nice surprise to have the meeting pushed back so you could get the run in. Looks pretty nice up there.
Very cool. What a fun opportunity. As for the soggy running - you aren't kidding! I did manage to squeeze in my run this morning before the deluge, though.
Looking good on top of the world.
No sign of Catra? Odd...she practically lives on those trails.
You lucked out there it looks like a fun trail!
Would you believe I've been up there too!!! A work trip (to our then Newark Campus) a few years ago I stayed over a weekend and headed up the trail - it was a fab place and great views as I recall.
As for your little comment on my blog.... well just between you and I, I'm going after a charity slot for London, currently a reserve.. EK!
How did I miss this post. The first picture is the BEST EVER!!!!
Whaaaatt? No trail sightings of the elusive one-of-a-kind wild trail animal Catra Corbett? Maybe next time...she's a rare bird.
It has been a while since you posted. Could you actually be taking a break? No way!! :)
I love that photo, and the one of you at mile 17 - leavenworth.
You make running look like so much fun!
Eric, I hope to meet you next Sunday... I am very excited for Michelle's quest... Are you doing the triple too?
Great photos. I like the one of the sexy old dude at the bottom... but he's not half as saucy as the sexy old (!) dude at the top.
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