I think the general consensus from the runners at Wishbone was that the first two 7 mile laps were fun and the last two laps were anywhere from had to push it, to brutal.
We carpooled with Rattler which turned into an adventure because I forgot the directions to the start of the race. I was able to get in touch with Lesa O. who had the directions with her and she was able to get us close enough for us to find another runner we knew driving with directions so we followed her to the start.
I kept a decent pace for the first three laps which while respectable for the distance was probably too fast for someone planing on running three back to back marathons. I lapped Michelle on my fourth lap about 1/3 of the way around and ran with her for the rest of my last lap. Michelle was a trooper and even with some blisters she continued on for the last 7 miles on her own.
I think the toughest part of the day was knowing that when we got home I had to take an ice bath. That mission has been accomplished with 23 minutes in the tub.
Time to pack for two more marathons. Oh and if you think we're crazy I met two people who flew to Atlanta Georgia and ran the Atlanta Marathon on Thanksgiving who ran Wishbone and intend to do the "Quadzilla" by running four in four days.
Peace Out
You just stopped and made her run her last lap all by herself. That's some tough love there. :^D
Good luck tomorrow and Sunday.
King Arthur - Yep, I'm a real selfish bastard! I'll thank myself tomorrow.
Hope you guys have a great day tomorrow Eric. You'll be in my thoughts.
See ya tomorrow!
We got some Quadzilla runners? I've gotta talk to those folks! :-D
Craig - Thanks
Jon - It's Paul and Larry Macon who are doing the Quadzilla.
Ice baths, brutal but well worth the pain!
Great job!
You had to outdo us by putting in 23 minutes in the ice bath instead of the typical 15 didn't ya?
23 minutes in an ice bath? You are an animal! Hope 2 and 3 go just as well! Can't wait to read about them.
good job Eric... and yes, I think you are crazy, so is Michelle, and the Atlanta couple... not only for the back to back, but for the 23 minutes iced bath.... I wonder what is worse?
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